
Oh my goodness, well today we said farewell to our Trevor Bear 😦 With a heavy heart I am reaching out and asking for kind words, thoughts and prayers. This past year has been filled with so many more downs than ups, in fact we just recently moved to Indiana…two weeks now is all we’ve been here. Trev had done tremendous with the move and all, but one week before our moving date, he got snake bit right in our back yard. It was a poisonous snake at that. We are guessing a baby copperhead. Never even seen it while we were out. Trev just started limping and we got to looking and sure enough…two fang marks!


Our vet was like, well, if it’s gonna happen, this is the way you want it to happen. One fang only grazed his skin, the other bite mark was faint. The one bite mark turned yellow and green as the days passed. Trev didn’t miss a beat though. He was put on a full course of antibiotics and by the last day of meds, the marks were a distant memory. Can you even believe that? Trev had angels already surrounding and protecting him.

So, here we are…a family, heartbroken and trying to live life without hearing that little jingle every time Trev entered a room. We now have two empty dog beds, an empty bitey dish and an old lonely leash.

When we dropped Trev off at the Crematory, we unwrapped his body to love on him one last time and this is what our baby boy said:

“There now, little star sweeper, dream on.” Yes, we LOVE Lady and The Tramp and sing that little lullaby almost daily now. It was the most perfect thing to say to Trev at that precious moment.



It’s dinner time and I hear no jingle at my feet. The silence is deafening my friends. Here are some farewell pics we took yesterday with our silver fox:








Trevor Bear’s OBARKtuary
Trevor Bear left our sides when he was 15 years young and has already begun popping up his sweet ewokian head across the Rainbow Bridge whenever he hears a new voice, hoping it is one of us, to welcome us home forever.

Trevor answered to a million or more names including Beary, Bearsabus, Bubby, Boogie, BooBear, BooBearyus, Beary Crocker, Pupcake, TaterBear, Love Muffin, Tootles, BubbyLaBoo, Sugar Bear, BearsLaRoneous, Sugar, Sweetheart, Precious Paws, Trevvy, Gizmo, Ewokers and Budders to name just a few.

Trev’s favorite things in this life were taking long walks with his daddy, getting chest rubs, ear scratches, lying beside us on the couch, mom’s homemade treats, his memory foam doggie bed, our bed, letting the wind blow through his fur, riding in the car sticking his head out of the passenger side window, chasing and tossing his tennis balls and all of his stuffed animals.

As the years passed, his gray hair unfurled, just like his love. Walks became shorter and cuddling became more cherished. His favorite mottos in life were “Bark Less, Wag More” and “When In Doubt…Nap.”

Trevor was a witness to our marriage and the birth of our child. Our baby says Trevvy is the bestest bubby in the whole wide world and he will be blowing kisses at the sky and sending His love to Heaven whenever he thinks of his bubby.

To Trevor:

This tiny blog has been an honor for me to share with all the dog lovers of the world. Thank you Buddy for the privilege of sharing your life with us. We will never be the same my furrbaby.

Oh how we will miss your little jingle that fluttered all about your collar. Every time we heard your jingle, a smile was sure to follow. You were our sunshine little Trevvy. May you be blessed to run free without any more pain through the hills and plains of Heaven. May you also know the gift of endless treats. Your obsession was treats, treats and more treats. We long to see your sweet face again and cross the Rainbow Bridge together.


Thank You, Father God, for the gift of our precious Trevor.

Hugs and kisses times infinity my Pupcake. WE WILL LOVE YOU ALWAYS!


Heartbroken but Blessed…


The Treat King

Long time no treats…(literally the farthest from the truth in Trev’s world)…but we have missed you!!!! It’s so great to be back barking with you.

Today is World Smile Day and we wanted to do our little part, by sharing a smile.


Treats and bities are what give our little Treat King a big smile. All Trev has to do to make us smile is simply be by our side. I think it’s a fair trade 🙂

Have a wonderful Friday Fall day!!!! Are you on Pinterest? If so, please let me know…I made a new favorite board, BARKtober with the sweetest pics of dogs squirrelling in the leaves. Would love for you to follow.

Hugs, woofs and wags galore!!!!

Trev Won A Rein Coat!!!!

Hey there!!!! Trev and I enter bunches of dog merchandise contests and never win…UNTIL NOW!!!! We entered The Rein Coat Giveaway held courtesy of MyKidHasPaws and WE WON!!!! Thank you so much Rachel for hosting this giveaway…we already know that you send out the best treats ever to your loyal readers!!!! 🙂

Here is Trev opening the mail…


We received all sorts of doggone goodies from The Rein Coat including:
A step counter
2 travel size water containers
And a fabulous Rein Coat




As an experienced dog owner, I am always on the lookout for the next new collar. Having a terrier demands that you are CERTAIN that whatever you place around your pup’s neck will be safe, secure and most all comfortable. Choker collars, almost taboo now for some dog owners, is an important training tool and safe if used correctly. I have found that puppy training is more productive with a choker, for only a short period, so the pup learns to respect the leash. Cloth and leather collars are great, but for my dogs, I don’t know if they are escape artists or what, but they always find ways to get out of them. Then harnesses became a hot new item and we bought one and thought it did the trick. We were able to put a collar on our dog that was loose fitting, yet secure and safe for his throat area without the worry of him slipping out. We liked it and Trev tolerated it. Old age changes dogs in many different ways and with Trev, his allergies make him cough and sneeze. This means nothing firm or tight fitting can be placed around his neck. If he pulls too hard or gets excited, one sharp tug will make him have a coughing spell.

So, what is a Rein Coat exactly, you might ask? The Rein Coat is a super soft and fully adjustable luxury harness/coat for your dog. It has a velcro fastener that connects against your dogs chest. I always prefer velcro over snaps because you have more room for a better fit. The coat that drapes across your dogs back is very thin and lightweight. It also fits snuggly to relieve your dog’s anxiety. All I can say is that Trev was falling asleep while I was taking pics. So the relaxation aspect of their product definitely works. Paws down we think it is an awesome product.







Thank you Paula for creating and making a top quality product for our four pawed bear. It is perfect and he is loving it!!!!


Have a pawesome week blogging friends and don’t give up if you think you can never win any of these doggie giveaways. They are real and sometimes, you can actually win!!!! By all means, when you see a Giveaway for The Rein Coat, enter immediately!!!! Your best friend will be oh so glad you did!!!!


Ice Ice Trevvy

Well, another ice storm came into the Music City on Sunday night and this one was intense. Our backyard is lush with large old trees and after a couple hours into the ice storm, they started to tumble. It started with the twigs, then the limbs and some of the big ones just couldn’t hold the weight of the world any longer.


Our neighbor’s tree almost went through their living room. Thankfully it snapped just right and cleared the home. They said it shook the house. No one really rested throughout the entire night. But, there are always naps!!!!:-)

Even with all the damage, everyone has remained safe and that is all that really matters. Thank You, Lord!!!!

The landscape sure was beautiful though. Hope you enjoy!!!!









Time to tend to some frosty perfect paws!!!! Many barks and blessings for a wonderful day!!!!


Lights, Camera…Treats {Videos of Trev}

Well, hello dear blogging friends…we are so glad to see you again!!!! Trev and I have been having a blast playing with the video maker Magisto. It’s easy peesy, super fun and the basic package is free.


We hope you enjoy:

Have a pawesome day!!!!
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