Every Little Boy Should Have Two Things…woof woof


Mom, can we have a dog?

That is a question my boy will never have to ask!!!! I could never imagine my life without a dog by my side and I truly wish my son to have that same love instilled in him. Dogs are some of the most faithful, honest and sincere souls we are blessed to meet under Heaven.

Sometimes I truly think that’s why God gave dogs four legs…How else are they gonna carry all that love?

Trev has always wanted to be by our little one’s side ever since we brought him home from the hospital.








Trev continues to look up at me with eyes that say…”I’ll take care of him mom…Furrever!!!!”

From one fellow dog lover to another, don’t you wish “Furrever” sure was a lot longer?


Happy Mother’s Day to all my blogging friends!!!!


41 thoughts on “Every Little Boy Should Have Two Things…woof woof

  1. Happy Mom day to you too! These photos, especially the last one, are too precious for words! Now, they are forever immortalized in the blogosphere.

    • Hey there!!!! So glad we found each other here on WP!!!! I truly believe that’s why they have 4 legs…Thank you so much for the PAWESOME compliment…Hope your Mom’s Day is perfect in every way!!!!

    • Oh, thank you so very much PL&GCM…what a nice thing to say!!!! I hope you are doing fabulous..I feel like I’m talking to a celebrity every time you comment…giggles…you rub shoulders with all the big guns in country music!!!! Seeing Toby Keith perform, I have some friends who would totally freak out!!!! He is such a big guy, he looks like he would be a tank in person…Keep the cool posts coming!!!! Hope this made you get a big smile!!!!

  2. These are absolutely fabulous photos of all of you! I say Happy Mother’s Day to a mother who understands what’s important for her children to have. Good for you.

    • BOL Sheila…you know it!!!! Thank you so very much for the awesome compliments…You gave me a huge smile!!!! I hope you are having a fabulous weekend…hugs to The Red Man—Love, Cara

  3. Such lovely photos and thoughts . . . and yes, my mommy definitely does wish that “furrever” was a whole, whole lot longer! My humans and I wish you the best Mother’s Day yet. 🙂

    • Awww…thank you Miss Harper Lee…always so nice hearing from you!!!! I know, “Furrever” just isn’t long enough 😦 So, we just have to love our faithful furry doggies twice as much…You got the sweet end of the deal!!!! Hugs to your mamma…Hope you give her extra love and kisses for her special day!!!!

  4. Gorgeous little boy, wonderful Cairn Terrier…what more could a Mom want on Mother’s Day? well, okay, apart from breakfast in bed, chocolates, flowers, books, chocolates, chocolates and maybe a book or two 😉

    • LOL!!!! You are so fun…thank you so very very much for your kind words…I’m in love indeed!!!! Yes, I’m a sucker for those Lindt’s Lindor White Chocolate Truffles!!!! Numm numm…giggles…Hope your special day is filled with all the blessings you can hold!!!!

    • Oh goodness, now I’m tearing up!!!! Thank you for your lovely words, they touched my heart. You are always so sweet to us…May you be blessed in every way you need this week…We send love and hugs your way dear friend!!!!

  5. Hey pals! Hope you all had a wonderful moms day. Trev is a true Cairn…we sure do love taking care of the wee ones. We may appear to be tough terriers but we are all heart!
    *Cairn cuddles*

    • Oh Oz…what a treat whenever you grace our little blog!!!! Yes, Cairn Cuddles, we always extend to you and yours!!!! I’ll have to tweet Trev in his harness sometime soon…that just cracks me up!!! Listen, we truly hope you are blessed with a wonderful week…Much love and hugs to you sweet Oz!!!! 🙂

    • Please pardon us, our comment we first left was not finished and it kept locking up on us 😦 It said it sent it but we didn’t even press anything…So, like we were so graciously saying, THANK YOU!!!! We LOVE Ms. Harper Lee too…We also recommend adding Wiley’s Wisdom to your blog roll as well, he is so precious!!!! Enjoyed meeting all of you and wish everyone a wonderful day…you are ALL pawesome!!!!

  6. What a lubly family ya are…yer little 2 legged kit iz adorable n you iz a bery purrty lady n Trev iz pawsum fer lubbin yer little 2 legged….
    Me n Mum wuud lub a poochie but Mum haz prublemz walkin so no dog…but we do have 3 poochiez who come to bizit us so it feelz like we have poochiez in a way!!!!
    Nylablue n SherriEllen (me Mum)

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